EnCap Report
Here, you can assess the user expectations based on the Forms and EnCaps used in your product marketing campaigns. By this way, you can also spot the forms that are frequently viewed and used by your customers.
To view the report based on forms and EnCaps,
1. Select the launch for which you want to view the Report. Let us now view the form report for Link Launch of Book Store EnCap.
2. In Filter by Instance column, select the EnCap launch name and In Search by Forms column, select the form name to be selected. For example, if you select Pay Through Credit Card form, the detailed report for that particular form will be shown.
3. Select the Start Date and End Date to view the detailed form report of the EnCaps launched between these dates.
4. The detailed report for the particular EnCap and form will be displayed.
6. Click Get Report to view the report based on the selected criteria.
7. If you want to export the form report as CSV or Excel file for your future reference, click button.